A Blog Designed to Help You Become a Better Speaker

How I Became a Motivational Inspirational Speaker - My Story


I'm often asked how I became a motivational speaker. A complete accident! I didn't know there was such a things as being a motivational speaker.

It took a lot of hard work and dedication to learn the professional speaking / meetings industry. This is my journey. Video: https://youtu.be/jyZsFVXvNYk

Stacy's Speaker Coaching website and blog on how to become a better speaker: BoringtoSoaringSpeeches.com

Stacy Pederson is a #funny female #motivational business #keynote speaker who has almost died a bunch. Stacy is a full-time professional keynote speaker who has performed in front of 1,000's.

Contact Info or Follow Stacy:

-Website: StacyPederson.com

-LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stacypedersoncomedy

-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stacypedersoncomedy

-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stacypedersonofficial

-Twitter: Twitter's dead to me. We broke up a while ago. I only see Twitter at random family events and I act like I don't care.

Stacy entertains...

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How to Get Paid Speaking Engagements Easily -Sam Richter's "Intel Engine" an Honest Review


If you want to get paid speaking engagements I highly recommend Sam Richter's, "Intel Engine" specifically designed for professional speakers.

In this video, I take you through how I use Sam's Intel Engine for my own speaking career.

Video Link: https://youtu.be/kilm3iOtnGE

The software mentioned in this video: Sam Richter's Intel Engine (Affiliate Link): https://www.knowmore.university/a/aff_gqtxt90h/external?affcode=231462_e4qadq6x

My Speaker Coaching Website for courses and more content: https://www.boringtosoaringspeeches.com

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How to Get Paid Speaking Events: RFP's



For Video Click Here: https://youtu.be/NGr8N0NOIfI 

If you want to get paid speaking engagements, RFP's (Request for Proposals) are a great way to get started.

In this video, I take you through how I find RFP's for conferences and how I fill them out.

The software mentioned in this video: Sam Richter's Intel Engine (Affiliate Link): https://www.knowmore.university/a/aff_gqtxt90h/external?affcode=231462_e4qadq6x


Word Counter: https://wordcounter.net

My Speaker Coaching Website for courses and more content: https://www.boringtosoaringspeeches.com

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"The Bash" (Formerly Gigmasters) Why You're Not Getting Hired

(This is a part of my, "Speaker Sundays" where I share tips on how to become a full-time paid professional speaker on YouTube. I'd love for you to join.) Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/StacyPederson

Did you pay to be a part of "The Bash's" online booking platform only to find you're not getting hired?

If so - here are 10 reasons you may not be getting hired.



My EXACT sales process on, "The Bash": https://www.boringtosoaringspeeches.com/offers/YLbfhvbF/checkout


"The Bash" Affiliate Link: https://www.thebash.com/signup?referralCode=M94090


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Using Your Slide as a Punch Line - Adding Humor to Your Speech


Slides are some of the most misused valuable real estate you own as a speaker. There's a lot to that statement. I'll do a whole other video on slides and why they should never be covered in stats or re-iterating what it is you've already said.

In the video above, I have a small segment in one of my speeches where I make fun of slides. In other words, the slide becomes my punch line.

The reason it works is it is completely unexpected for the audience. 

You will notice me looking a little too much at the remote. There was a slight delay and some issues with connectivity in the ballroom between their laptop and the remote and the screen. This is nothing unusual and you should always be prepared for anything technical to not run smoothly.

I encourage you to re-think what's possible when it comes to your slides.


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Making a Living as a Creative - My Own Personal Journey

I was interviewed by Canvas Rebel regarding my journey of becoming a motivational speaker and making a full time living as a creative. Some of the original article is below.

The full article can be found here: https://canvasrebel.com/meet-stacy-pederson/

(There's is much prettier. :) )


We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Stacy Pederson. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Stacy below.

Stacy, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Are you able to earn a full-time living from your creative work? If so, can you walk us through your journey and how you made it happen?

Earning a living has been a slow steady process I started over thirty years ago. I discovered I was a, “Creative” by winning essays for local competitions as a child. I even one a real life lamb! I went to college on a full ride talent grant to study theatre. I then made money here and there with acting...

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Boost Your Business Speaking with Humor and Authenticity Interview

I had so much fun shooting this with the fabulous, Corey, and the RVS Small Business Network Show.


You can watch the full episode here: https://rvasbn.com/featured-interviews/boost-your-business-speaking-with-humor-and-authenticity/

Below is a recap:

Welcome to another episode of The RVA Small Business Show with your host Cory Mosley. In today’s segment, we are joined by Stacy Pederson, Speaker Coach, and Funny Motivational Keynote Speaker.

Stacy is a well-known expert who helps speakers add entertainment value to their speeches.


Speaking: More Than Just Words

You’ve probably attended dozens of seminars or business events. Remember that one speech or presentation that had you hooked? The odds are that it wasn’t just the content but the...

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Do Your Slides in Your Presentation Look Like This Photo?

Uncategorized Apr 19, 2024

Do the slides in your presentation look like the first photo??

In the world according to Stacy, you are missing out on incredibly VALUABLE real estate when it comes to having your audience understand and retain what you are sharing.

Slides can help reach your visual learners in a way no other part of your speech can. When they walk away, they may not remember the stats you shared on your slide. However, your visual learners can walk away with an image representing your point burned into their brain.

Pictures also trigger an emotion which also helps seal your message. I can share with you the stats of how over 80% of workers are burned out, unengaged or feel like they are in survival mode. OR, I can share the second image. Which slide will impact your audience more? (Rhetorical question…The second is an actual slide of mine, btw.)

If your slides are littered with bullet points, re-iterate what you are already sharing, of are filled with graphs and stats, you may want to...

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Speaking is NOT About Delivering Information

Speaking is NOT about standing in front and providing a bunch of information. People don’t remember information.

 If I asked you to name what you learned in 3rd grade about American History, many of you won’t remember a single piece of information.

 If I asked you to share what the bully on the playground said to you that year, you probably remember it down to exact way he or she said it.

 Why? People don’t retain information strictly from facts. People retain information depending on the feeling attached.

 This is why creativity – the use of humor, visuals, stories, etc., are so important in your talk. Creativity sparks emotion.

 I like to think of creativity as a cake. The layers of the cake are your content. The frosting is creativity. It is what ties your talk together and makes it fun, enticing, and memorable.


Most of us don’t want to eat an entire cake of frosting (unless it’s buttercream…then...

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How to Get Videos to Get Hired as a Speaker or Comedian

Watch Video Here: https://youtu.be/R-Yx007763k


Can't get hired because you don't have video? Can't get video because you can't get hired? Here's an easy hack to break out of the, "I need a demo reel" loop.


Link to video mentioned: https://youtu.be/2yZgvFtdx54


Elephant in the room: OBVIOUSLY NOT shot at the same time as the thumbnail photo was taken. The thumbnail makes it look like a 5 star restaurant, but then when you open it and it's just ramen.


WHICH is what anyone who has ever been in a relationship with me has also unfortunately discovered....


Here's some resources if you are wanting or already are a speaker: -Blog Post: "How to Improve Your Speaking on Camera With These 4 Easy Tips" https://rb.gy/rz0spx


-Get a Free Guide on "10 Easy Ways to Look Good and Feel Great on Camera" https://rb.gy/rz0spx  

Social Media: Website: StacyPederson.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stacypedersoncomedy

Instagram: ...

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