New MakeUp Product Discoveries for Camera for Video Shoots

I had the privilege of being on set for two different projects over the last week. I LOVE being on a commercial set. Also, I LOVE getting my make up done by their professional make up artists.

One thing I started doing YEARS ago was ask the artists about the products they use and why. I was excite to learn what all has changed this time around. I was surprised that the oldies are still the goodies with a few updates I'll share.



First, Make up for camera is very different for make up for stage. Neither are the same for everyday. Make up for camera is much more subtle because the camera is right in your face. Light eye shadow, neutral lips, usually only eye shadow for eyeliner and it's very subtle.

Hair is also a it trickier because any flying frizz, tiny staticky piece, one grey root, show so bad!!!

Finally, no "dewy". Oil (shine is the enemy of camera.) I am always her "dewy" with terribly shiny skin for camera. Give me an hour on set and my skin will look like an oil slick. Men, this is where some of you come in. If anything, you NEED rice paper for camera and some powder. Honestly, you probably need more but your flying hairs and shiny nose need to go.

First shoot for close up camera skin prep was an updated version of an old primer. I have had Smashbox Photo FinishPrimer - Silicone, used on my face for years. But things have changed in the modern world. They have an updated hydrating version this make up artist LOVES for skin, especially anyone in Colorado because of the lack of humidity here.

Smashbox Photo Finish Primerizer + Hydrating Primer. I have to admit this new kid on the block made my 49 year old, fine lines and undamaged face, look flawless under foundation. I will be throwing that in my Sephora cart next shopping spree.

Make Up Forever Foundation. This has been used for yeeeeears on me and still is. However, I have sensitive skin. I can wear it for a day or two, but I purchased it a few year back for everyday wear and my skin haaaated it. The closest thing I've come to it for everyday wear is NARS Radiant Long Wear which I use everyday with no issues.

Eyes: No liner only shadow as usual. The same ol' good ol' Maybeline Great Lash for mascara. I can not use Maybeline Great Lash daily as it flakes and gets into my eyes. I go for a more expensive brand for everyday, but I swear Great Lash has been used on me sine the late 1990's.

Powder: Laura Mercier. I love this powder so much I also use it for every day. As I mentioned before, I can get terrible shine and this lasts longer than most. I think it's used so much because of how it reflects the camera lights, but also doesn't crease the skin for some of us who are getting older.

Hair: Once again, oldie is still the bestie. Kenra Hair Spray. That stuff is the ONLy thing I buy after having it used on me for years and my hair is a ball of frizz and wild. It is soft enough not to look like I'm wearing a helmet (hair still moves) but wow does it hold. Never flakes no matter how much you use.

Grey Roots: Topik. I have had this used before. I have thin and now pretty darn grey hair. It is a thickener, as well as grey coverage. It's a powder you literally shake onto your head. I do not use this for every day. I use Color Wow's powder that you have to brush on. I tried cheaper ones but Color Wow's water proof, which means when I get caught in a Colorado thunderstorm, I don't pull a dripping Giuliani.


Second Shoot (Finished Product 9 Hours Later in Pic Above)

My second shoot, the make up artist genuinely looked like she was 35. I was SHOCKED when she told me she was 54. I asked her secrets. 

She used to do micro needling. Now she does red light therapy and retinal and always uses sunscreen. She also does oils. She didn't look like she had an ounce of injection or both, but I didn't want to be rude and ask.

Skin: She was a foundation airbrushing genius!!!! I haven't been airbrushed in YEARS because it's hard to do with contouring. Wow. She mixed several different shades throughout the process and I haven't been contoured that well in a long time. She said she loves the airbrush look because it literally looks like second skin. 

The only brush used on my face, besides for powder, was NARS world re-known orgasm blush and for the eyeshadow. No liner used once again with just eye shadow for the liner. She used eyebrow primer but I was yapping so I forgot to ask what kind. We did neutral lip.

Hair: You guessed it - Kenra. Plus, she gave me a healthy dose of Kenra Silkening Gloss to top it off. She left me with charcoal rice paper for the shine and was on her way, while I was perfectly ready for the day.

With all the 1,000's of new make up products realized constantly on the market, I find it overwhelming. What I learned from this past week, is I don't need to keep up with the new. Everything used on me has been used on me before, just with updated versions.

You can now spare your wallet of Kylie Lip Kits and whatever is trending on social media as the "new best thing".

Kindly, Stacy P.


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