A Blog Designed to Help You Become a Better Speaker

How to Improve Your Speaking on Camera With These 4 Tips

You thought you did pretty good when you were speaking and THEN you watched yourself back….

And now you’re googling because you hated everything you saw in your video. I'm glad you stumbled onto this blog post, because I totally understand how you feel.

First, good job for making a decision to get better instead of folding up the ‘ol laptop and quitting. Second, there is a LOT that can be worked on but for this blog post we are only focusing on 4 things.

(When you get to # 4, you’ll see why.)

 So - quiet on the set – let’s get started.


1. It's normal to hate yourself on camera.

Even famous actors hate themselves on camera. (Think Joaquin Phoenix storming out of an interview because they showed a clip of him. He refuses to watch himself.) 

Unless you’re narcissistic, you don’t normally stare at yourself all day long every day to know what you actually look and sound like. You’re just walking around being...

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How to Present Better on Camera-The Eyes Have It

If you’ve been keeping an eye out for ways to make you appear better on your videos or virtual presentations, you’ll find this blog eye opening.

 (Two cheesy puns in the first sentence. No eye rolling allowed…)

 If you’ve been eyeing fancy equipment, elaborate editing or plastic surgery - start smaller. Much smaller. Focus on the eyes first.

 Why? Because the eyes don’t lie. On camera everything is amplified significantly. Which means the tiniest eye movement says a lot. Your audience on the other side of the lens can tell if you are uncomfortable, unprepared, or ready to divorce your significant other who just walked into the room.

Here's a Bird's Eye View of 7 Ways to Communicate Better Through Your Eyes On Camera

 1. Keep the Camera at Eye Level

 The camera lens should be equal or slightly higher than your eyes. Why? A few simple reasons, but the gist is it makes you look better.

 When you’re zooming on...

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