A Blog Designed to Help You Become a Better Speaker

An Underused Performance Technique That Most Professional Speakers Miss - *Levels*

Uncategorized Jan 21, 2025


There is a something called, "rule of thirds" used in most design. Whether it is photography, interior design, a piece of artwork, etc., things simply look better to the human eye with odd number and varying "levels". There are different types of "levels" that go beyond just visual.

I've yet to hear one speaker talk about how they thought through "levels" in their speech to add interest. In this article I'll address a few types of "levels" that can help add engagement, entertainment or intrigue to your speech.

Vocal Levels

Vocal levels are one most speakers DO think about in regards to variation of their vocal tone. No-one wants to listen to someone monotone for an ENTIRE hour. Vocal inflection is often thought about in regard to the voice going up and down.

However, there are levels in regards to how loud or soft your voice is which is a great way to keep attention. Ever been in front of a room where no-one is paying attention so you try and out voice them decibel wise?...

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What Message Should I Speak on to Get Hired?

Uncategorized Jan 08, 2025

A lot of us speakers struggle with this question, especially when we are just starting out. I paid attention to experienced speakers vs new when I began my speaking journey.

What I noticed is that experienced speakers weren't happy with their message if there wasn't something meaningful, in a personal way, behind it. New speakers wanted to get hired. Seasoned speakers wanted purpose.

What "should" you speak about?

First, there is a difference between your message vs. what tract you are or how you fit into the marketplace.

I'll bring the cat hair analogy back because it's actually a real thing!! (My ex-Mother-in-Law gave me a Christmas ornament once made out of her dog's hair...True Story! She's dead now so I can finally talk about her.)

You are passionate abut cat hair. You love it. You sleep on it. You have your doctorate in the evolution of it. You have 12 books on amazon about it. You want everyone to know how amazing cat here is because without it, no cat would survive. People...

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Speaking Tips for January 2025

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2025

I'm still rebelling over "getting started" with the New Year. I keep procrastinating thinking, "It's stillll kind of-sort of- a holiday weekend. I mean it's only the 4th..."

If you'll be hitting it hard on Monday, here's a few things for January in regards to speaking:

January is HIGH HIRING Season:

This is the month a loooot of people book speakers for their conferences. Depending on the size of the conference- they're booking anywhere from March to the end of 2025.

(If you are doing your own outreach - you might get lucky for April, but I'd focus heavily on Summer and Fall events.)

Because it "high hiring season", make sure your website and assets are up to date. If your website header is a pic from 30 lbs ago...you probably need to change that.

Make sure your website has clear messaging in regards to what problem you are solving and why you are the one to deliver the solution. It can be your speaking style, expertise, or personal story - preferably all three.


Some trends...

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10 Signs You're a Boring Speaker

Because I speak for a living, I watch a lot of other speakers at the same event. The one thing many of these speakers have in common is: they're boring. Intelligent content....but so hard to pay attention to for a full hour.

When I watch these speakers, the fact they are boring is easily fixable. They seem to make the same mistakes in regards to "engagement".

Here's how you'll know if you are accidentally a snoozer on stage.

  1. You have graphs and a lot of words on your slides. No-one will remember all of your stats. No-one. Slides are valuable real estate for making an emotional connection with your audience, as well as reaching your visual learners. One image or one powerful statement is way more impactful than 6 points with numbers on the same slide. One powerful piece of art - hits you emotionally. One powerful quote - hits you emotionally. Facts and data make many wonder when lunch and recess is.

  2. You think your job is to educate and inform. If I ask you to name 3 presidents in...

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How to Get Paid Speaking Events (What Every Speaker on the Planet Wants to Know)

You have a message. You see on social media these speakers flying to and fro making money at paid events. You've gotten offered to speak but the event doesn't pay. You've googled "paid speaking" and you still can't find the elusive strategy of how these professional speakers find paid events.

I'm going to say something controversial right from the get go. There is no one strategy to find paid speaking events. What happens is speakers throw a lot of spaghetti on the wall until something sticks. When that sticks - they hone in and refine what they are doing and keep doing whatever it is that worked.

I've paid a bajillion dollars over time learning other people's sales strategies for speaking and none of them worked for me because I don't speak on what they speak on. My audience and target market is different. So is my personality including strengths and weaknesses, which is why their processes may have given me ideas - but I was never able to implement fully or successfully.


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How to Stop Hating Yourself on Video

 You Hate Being on Camera.

I get it.

Your nose looks funny. Your head does a weird side tilt thing when you talk that you didn't know it did. Your voice sounds shockingly different. You didn't know your office or your hair actually looked like that.

However, you KNOW you should be making videos. 

Or worse, you just paid a fortune for a videographer to create your demo reel and you hate all the footage they shot.

As an actor who has done a lot of commercials and some film, I so understand the cringe factor of watching yourself. An acting coach once gave me the advice, that I turned into a worksheet below, to help you.

First, remember we live in a world of glorious photo and video filters. I am so spoiled with using filters that a regular photo or video of me makes me want to dry heave. Here's the truth. You don't look like the filtered version of you. SORRY! But you can't expect to be on regular video and think the filtered you is going to show up. It's not. The...

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Unlocking Paid Speaking Opportunities: 10 Tips to Find Your Next Gig


Unlocking Paid Speaking Opportunities: 10 Tips to Find Your Next Gig

how to get paid speaking gigs events

In today's competitive landscape, many aspiring and seasoned public speakers are eager to unlock paid speaking opportunities to grow their speaking careers. Whether you are a new speaker or an experienced professional, finding gigs that align with your expertise can be challenging. This article will provide you with ten actionable tips to help you find your next paid speaking engagement, ensuring that you get paid to share your message and build a successful speaking business.

Understanding Paid Speaking Opportunities

how to get paid speaking gigs events speaker coach coaching

What is a Paid Speaking Gig?

A paid speaking gig refers to an opportunity where a public speaker is compensated for sharing their insights, knowledge, or experiences at an event or conference. These engagements can vary widely, from delivering keynote speeches at large conferences to conducting in-person workshops or webinars for smaller audiences. In essence, a paid speaking gig is a chance...

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10 Tips for Improving Public Speaking Skills: Become a Confident Speaker


10 Tips for Improving Public Speaking Skills: Become a Confident SpeakerProfessional speaking speaker coach

Public speaking is an essential skill that can significantly impact your personal and professional life. Whether you are delivering a speech, making a presentation, or speaking in front of a group, honing your public speaking skills will help you convey your message effectively. This article presents ten invaluable tips to help you become a confident speaker.

Understanding Public Speaking

how to become a professional speaker

Public speaking involves delivering a message to an audience, and it encompasses various elements including content, delivery, and engagement. Mastering public speaking skills can enhance your communication abilities and boost your confidence. As a speaker, you must be able to connect with your audience, adapt your message accordingly, and deliver it with clarity. Understanding the nuances of public speaking is the first step in improving your overall performance.

The Importance of Public Speaking Skills


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How to Write Your Keynote Speech


Some cations from video: "Sit down, write it. It will suck. Here's some things that do need to be in a keynote. A captivating intro. You have to catch your audience. If you don't have them within the first 3 to 7 minutes, you've lost them for the whole hour. So it either needs to be a captivating story. It can be anything. You could be a musician. It could be anything that helps you be likable and connect to the audience.


Now here are some tips on writing your keynote that other speaker coaches are not going to talk about. Okay, first thing is when you go to sit and write your keynote, a lot of people rely on formulas. They will say every speech needs to have, you know, an intro and 3 points with the story and then practical application and then a conclusion. And I am going to tell you that I hear so many speakers and the problem with me with a lot of the formulas where you can just kind of plug and play your information into just like a That formula that they've created is I...

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Elevating Your Speech by Utilizing Focal Points in Storytelling

Want to be a better speaker?

When you give a speech, you can share a story OR you can invite the audience IN to the story.

 I don’t mean having them help tell the story with audience participation or communicating with them directly.

 It is more about “setting the stage” to invite the audience into the story so they are feeling and experiencing it at as you share. Much like a movie.

 A simple way to start is to utilize something called “focal points”. Focal points are where you look when you’re speaking.

 As an actor, you are never to look directly into the eyes of an audience member unless it something stylized. If you look an audience member in the eyes, that person may feel put on the spot. Some people LOVE this. I experience that performing in comedy clubs. However, most people don’t. I’m one who not only doesn’t like it – but is terrified of it. You’ll never see me in the front row of a comedy...

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