You have a message. You see on social media these speakers flying to and fro making money at paid events. You've gotten offered to speak but the event doesn't pay. You've googled "paid speaking" and you still can't find the elusive strategy of how these professional speakers find paid events.
I'm going to say something controversial right from the get go. There is no one strategy to find paid speaking events. What happens is speakers throw a lot of spaghetti on the wall until something sticks. When that sticks - they hone in and refine what they are doing and keep doing whatever it is that worked.
I've paid a bajillion dollars over time learning other people's sales strategies for speaking and none of them worked for me because I don't speak on what they speak on. My audience and target market is different. So is my personality including strengths and weaknesses, which is why their processes may have given me ideas - but I was never able to implement fully or successfully.
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