You have a message. You see on social media these speakers flying to and fro making money at paid events. You've gotten offered to speak but the event doesn't pay. You've googled "paid speaking" and you still can't find the elusive strategy of how these professional speakers find paid events.
I'm going to say something controversial right from the get go. There is no one strategy to find paid speaking events. What happens is speakers throw a lot of spaghetti on the wall until something sticks. When that sticks - they hone in and refine what they are doing and keep doing whatever it is that worked.
I've paid a bajillion dollars over time learning other people's sales strategies for speaking and none of them worked for me because I don't speak on what they speak on. My audience and target market is different. So is my personality including strengths and weaknesses, which is why their processes may have given me ideas - but I was never able to implement fully or successfully.
Having said that, there are some generic strategies that do work. It's all in the fine tuning of whether or not it will work for YOU.
First: This may seem obvious but I am shocked how often people have no idea what I'm talking about when I mention this. If you want to get paid to speak, you need to have a speech that is sellable. It needs to solve a problem that is costing the company or industry money. Period. No problem solving - no checks being written to you.
Example: you may be fascinated by the history of cat hair and all the cool things you can make out of it. Christmas ornaments. A sweater. Maybe your Grandmother is the founder of a cat breed or you've studied tiger hair all over the world.
No-one is going to pay for a talk about cat hair - no matter how passionate you, and maybe two other people might be.
If you can tie cat hair and how it's used to support the rest of the cat's body, maaaaybe you could tie it in to team work or leadership - but it's still pretty out there.
On the other hand: if you sell yourself as a "leadership speaker", woopety hoo haw. You and 4 billion other people speak on "leadership" so why would anyone hire you over someone else?
A sellable speech solves a problem, has your unique perspective, story AND delivery style.
THAT'S why they should hire you over anybody else. If you don't have a unique perspective or style or story, you are the mid-range toilet paper in the grocery store isle. It gets the job done, but there's cheaper, or nicer, or organic, or the same brand you've used for 23 years because you fear change, that you can buy instead.
You need a sellable speech.
THEN you need assets to sell yourself. This includes a website, demo reel of you speaking, pictures, speech title, topic, at least three take aways for an audience, and a bio at the minimum. Social media presence and shorts videos are secondary but very helpful in getting you hired.
Some people SWEAR you need a "one-sheet". To this day not ONE meeting planner or bureau has EVER asked me for a one sheet. The ONLY people who have asked me for a one-sheet is other speakers when they want to refer me.
Who Pays for Speakers?
How do you find these events???
First, anyone who swears they'll get you millions of dollars in events if you do their program, is a liar. No-one has a magic bullet. They just don't. If they do, it'll be outdated in 6 months because the industry is in constant change. You have to be good. You have to be unique. You have to have a sellable and relevant speech. They can't sell you or you sell you following their 5 step plan you paid $10k for - if you don't have those basic things (unique, sellable, solve a problem, relevant).
Also, I don't spam and annoy a million meeting planners. I personally don't shmooze at networking events, either. I find the whole thing awkward. It's just not my thing going somewhere and acting nice and "casually running into someone" in hopes they'll hire me. It feels phony to me. But some people really love that.
Software and Lists:
I've paid a lot for lists. Hands down the ONLY software I use now is Sam Richter's Intel Engine. Sam is a Sales Speaker and a really nice human. His software is specifically made for speakers. Meaning you can cyberstalking other speakers, find RFP's, contact info to companies, etc.
It has saved me so. much. time. I tell all my coaching clients to buy it first thing.
You can check it out here. (It is an affiliate link but I am being genuine in saying don't waste your time on the internet when you could just go here because it does the heavy lifting for you.)
I made Youtube video a little while ago that shows how I use it. I am tech challenged so I don't use it fully, but it will give you an inside peek so you can check out to see some of what it does. The link to the video is below.
Again, I know I have said it twice now, but be careful about spending a ton of money on a promise someone will get you events. Maybe their system will work. However, not until YOU know why someone is hiring you, why you are different and who your audience is. Otherwise, it's a waste of time and money. It really is.
You need to package your toilet paper correctly so it gets put on the right shelf, in the right area, in front of the right customer.
No-one is going to be able to sell you as toilet paper in the frozen food section....Be careful you're positioned and packaged correctly.
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