Some cations from video: "Sit down, write it. It will suck. Here's some things that do need to be in a keynote. A captivating intro. You have to catch your audience. If you don't have them within the first 3 to 7 minutes, you've lost them for the whole hour. So it either needs to be a captivating story. It can be anything. You could be a musician. It could be anything that helps you be likable and connect to the audience.
Now here are some tips on writing your keynote that other speaker coaches are not going to talk about. Okay, first thing is when you go to sit and write your keynote, a lot of people rely on formulas. They will say every speech needs to have, you know, an intro and 3 points with the story and then practical application and then a conclusion. And I am going to tell you that I hear so many speakers and the problem with me with a lot of the formulas where you can just kind of plug and play your information into just like a That formula that they've created is I...
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