A Blog Designed to Help You Become a Better Speaker

10 Signs You're a Boring Speaker

Because I speak for a living, I watch a lot of other speakers at the same event. The one thing many of these speakers have in common is: they're boring. Intelligent content....but so hard to pay attention to for a full hour.

When I watch these speakers, the fact they are boring is easily fixable. They seem to make the same mistakes in regards to "engagement".

Here's how you'll know if you are accidentally a snoozer on stage.

  1. You have graphs and a lot of words on your slides. No-one will remember all of your stats. No-one. Slides are valuable real estate for making an emotional connection with your audience, as well as reaching your visual learners. One image or one powerful statement is way more impactful than 6 points with numbers on the same slide. One powerful piece of art - hits you emotionally. One powerful quote - hits you emotionally. Facts and data make many wonder when lunch and recess is.

  2. You think your job is to educate and inform. If I ask you to name 3 presidents in...

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Unlocking Paid Speaking Opportunities: 10 Tips to Find Your Next Gig


Unlocking Paid Speaking Opportunities: 10 Tips to Find Your Next Gig

how to get paid speaking gigs events

In today's competitive landscape, many aspiring and seasoned public speakers are eager to unlock paid speaking opportunities to grow their speaking careers. Whether you are a new speaker or an experienced professional, finding gigs that align with your expertise can be challenging. This article will provide you with ten actionable tips to help you find your next paid speaking engagement, ensuring that you get paid to share your message and build a successful speaking business.

Understanding Paid Speaking Opportunities

how to get paid speaking gigs events speaker coach coaching

What is a Paid Speaking Gig?

A paid speaking gig refers to an opportunity where a public speaker is compensated for sharing their insights, knowledge, or experiences at an event or conference. These engagements can vary widely, from delivering keynote speeches at large conferences to conducting in-person workshops or webinars for smaller audiences. In essence, a paid speaking gig is a chance...

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10 Tips for Improving Public Speaking Skills: Become a Confident Speaker


10 Tips for Improving Public Speaking Skills: Become a Confident SpeakerProfessional speaking speaker coach

Public speaking is an essential skill that can significantly impact your personal and professional life. Whether you are delivering a speech, making a presentation, or speaking in front of a group, honing your public speaking skills will help you convey your message effectively. This article presents ten invaluable tips to help you become a confident speaker.

Understanding Public Speaking

how to become a professional speaker

Public speaking involves delivering a message to an audience, and it encompasses various elements including content, delivery, and engagement. Mastering public speaking skills can enhance your communication abilities and boost your confidence. As a speaker, you must be able to connect with your audience, adapt your message accordingly, and deliver it with clarity. Understanding the nuances of public speaking is the first step in improving your overall performance.

The Importance of Public Speaking Skills


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Elevating Your Speech by Utilizing Focal Points in Storytelling

Want to be a better speaker?

When you give a speech, you can share a story OR you can invite the audience IN to the story.

 I don’t mean having them help tell the story with audience participation or communicating with them directly.

 It is more about “setting the stage” to invite the audience into the story so they are feeling and experiencing it at as you share. Much like a movie.

 A simple way to start is to utilize something called “focal points”. Focal points are where you look when you’re speaking.

 As an actor, you are never to look directly into the eyes of an audience member unless it something stylized. If you look an audience member in the eyes, that person may feel put on the spot. Some people LOVE this. I experience that performing in comedy clubs. However, most people don’t. I’m one who not only doesn’t like it – but is terrified of it. You’ll never see me in the front row of a comedy...

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Should I Move When I do Public Speaking

Yes, yes and maybe.

We’ve all experienced it. That cozy safe podium that separates us from the audience. Nice little microphone and what feels like a wall to protect our bodies from THEM (the audience).

We’ve also all experienced the dreary drudgery of trying to pay attention to a speaker who stands behind a podium for an hour and doesn’t move. For us visual learners who can’t learn just by hearing – we lose interest almost immediately.

 On the opposite end, we’ve seen the speaker who acts like they’re on crack rushing to all edges of the stage frantically pacing, moving and causing us in the audience – anxiety.


YES, YOU SHOULD MOVE…but only with a purpose.

 First, get out from behind the podium. I know it’s safe back there. Especially if your pants don’t fit, but it’s a barrier between you and the audience. It’s a physical barrier, visual barrier and emotional barrier. Time to get naked...

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How I Became a Motivational Inspirational Speaker - My Story


I'm often asked how I became a motivational speaker. A complete accident! I didn't know there was such a things as being a motivational speaker.

It took a lot of hard work and dedication to learn the professional speaking / meetings industry. This is my journey. Video: https://youtu.be/jyZsFVXvNYk

Stacy's Speaker Coaching website and blog on how to become a better speaker: BoringtoSoaringSpeeches.com

Stacy Pederson is a #funny female #motivational business #keynote speaker who has almost died a bunch. Stacy is a full-time professional keynote speaker who has performed in front of 1,000's.

Contact Info or Follow Stacy:

-Website: StacyPederson.com

-LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stacypedersoncomedy

-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stacypedersoncomedy

-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stacypedersonofficial

-Twitter: Twitter's dead to me. We broke up a while ago. I only see Twitter at random family events and I act like I don't care.

Stacy entertains...

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How to Get Paid Speaking Engagements Easily -Sam Richter's "Intel Engine" an Honest Review


If you want to get paid speaking engagements I highly recommend Sam Richter's, "Intel Engine" specifically designed for professional speakers.

In this video, I take you through how I use Sam's Intel Engine for my own speaking career.

Video Link: https://youtu.be/kilm3iOtnGE

The software mentioned in this video: Sam Richter's Intel Engine (Affiliate Link): https://www.knowmore.university/a/aff_gqtxt90h/external?affcode=231462_e4qadq6x

My Speaker Coaching Website for courses and more content: https://www.boringtosoaringspeeches.com

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How to Get Paid Speaking Events: RFP's



For Video Click Here: https://youtu.be/NGr8N0NOIfI 

If you want to get paid speaking engagements, RFP's (Request for Proposals) are a great way to get started.

In this video, I take you through how I find RFP's for conferences and how I fill them out.

The software mentioned in this video: Sam Richter's Intel Engine (Affiliate Link): https://www.knowmore.university/a/aff_gqtxt90h/external?affcode=231462_e4qadq6x


Word Counter: https://wordcounter.net

My Speaker Coaching Website for courses and more content: https://www.boringtosoaringspeeches.com

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Using Your Slide as a Punch Line - Adding Humor to Your Speech


Slides are some of the most misused valuable real estate you own as a speaker. There's a lot to that statement. I'll do a whole other video on slides and why they should never be covered in stats or re-iterating what it is you've already said.

In the video above, I have a small segment in one of my speeches where I make fun of slides. In other words, the slide becomes my punch line.

The reason it works is it is completely unexpected for the audience. 

You will notice me looking a little too much at the remote. There was a slight delay and some issues with connectivity in the ballroom between their laptop and the remote and the screen. This is nothing unusual and you should always be prepared for anything technical to not run smoothly.

I encourage you to re-think what's possible when it comes to your slides.


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Making a Living as a Creative - My Own Personal Journey

I was interviewed by Canvas Rebel regarding my journey of becoming a motivational speaker and making a full time living as a creative. Some of the original article is below.

The full article can be found here: https://canvasrebel.com/meet-stacy-pederson/

(There's is much prettier. :) )


We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Stacy Pederson. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Stacy below.

Stacy, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Are you able to earn a full-time living from your creative work? If so, can you walk us through your journey and how you made it happen?

Earning a living has been a slow steady process I started over thirty years ago. I discovered I was a, “Creative” by winning essays for local competitions as a child. I even one a real life lamb! I went to college on a full ride talent grant to study theatre. I then made money here and there with acting...

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