What to Wear on Camera

You're finally going to do it! After humming and hahhhing - you're FINALLY going to shoot THAT VIDEO!!

Except, now you're staring at your closet finding your next reason to procrastinate.

What on earth should you wear???

Never fear. Stacy's here. Below are several "wardrobe" tips I've learned through the years of being on professional sets.

So put back the "some day I'm going to fit back into that dress" or ratty rock t-shirt from 2013 back in the closet. You're going to wear this instead:


1.Who Are You Trying to Portray?

No - seriously which part of you are you wanting to portray?


-My expert/professional side

-My likable "I'm just like you" side

-I don't take "no for an answer" side

-My glamour side

-My fall apart side

If you want to show off your expert/professional side, don't film yourself in your 2015 polo covered in cat hair.

If you want to be relatable and show off your "I'm just like you side", do NOT film dressed perfectly and gorgeous. We, as an audience, will automatically hate you because we're watching you in our fat pants covered in chip crumbs. You are nothing like us.

Just like a movie you want to think about the aspects of you that you are wanting to share. What would that person wear?

If you're unsure, pop on to youtube, watch a movie or tv show with a person (or character) that is showing the attributes you want to show. Pay attention to what they are wearing.

Your outfit should be an outward expression of something about you on the inside.


2. What are Your Brand Colors?

 (If you don't have or haven't thought about brand colors, you'll want to research it and come up with something. It will give a unified look to wherever you are posting your videos.)

Mine are pink and blue. That doesn't mean I always wear pink and blue. However, if I'm not wearing it, it's in my background somewhere or is my literal background.

Choose colors that look good on you and say something about who you are. Don't know what looks good on you?

-Next time someone says something about the colored shirt you're wearing and how good it looks -there you go. Now go buy that color.

-If someone compliments a shirt or dress because of the fit - go by the same thing in every color you look good in.

-The one positive about slowly building a wardrobe that has your brand colors is that eventually you'll have a closet full where everything goes with everything. If your brand colors are yellow and blue, someday you'll have enough yellow shirts, yellow pant, blue shirts, blue pant, and accessories to mix and match. It makes your life easier when buying clothes (you'll only go to the colors you want) and getting dressed easy.

3. No Bold Patterns, Stripes, Daisies, Paisleys, Plaid etc.

Basically if you look like your Grandma's curtains or any of her blankets, don't wear it.

If your shirt is covered in all kinds of things, it not only makes it harder on the camera to read correctly, but it's harder for the audience to see your face. It also is - honestly - really unflattering.


Feel like getting sued? Me neither. Don't wear any logos without the companies permission.

True story: my friend had a clock on the back wall that wasn't noted in the description. His video went viral. The clock company saw it. Sued him. They won.

No logos.

5. Solid Color, Simple Cuts, Are Your SuperPower 

Solid. Simple. Simple. Solid. Repeat that after me: "Solid colors, Simple Cuts".

Think about newscasters. The women wear solid colors with simple cuts. A unique neck line is fun but there isn't a ton of extra fabric.

If you want to look thinner on camera then don't bulk up with layers of fabrics. Big scarves, flowey huge shirts, giant cardigans. Don't try and hide it. Simplify it.

Here is your homework. Commercials are the best representation of this. That, or one of the few remaining soap operas. Pay attention to colors. You'll see no logos, not gobs of fabric, simple, solid and a little stylish with the cut or neckline.

You rarely see anyone on commercials with jewelry. On soap operas the jewelry is very simple. Two reasons. One is if you wear bracelets or a clunky necklace that  bangs around, the microphone picks up the sound. It also takes aways from the face. 

We want all eyes on YOU. NOT your shirt or necklace or scarf or crazy neck tie. YOU.

6. Boobage.

Sorry. Just being real. I suppose it depends on the type of videos you're trying to make, but if you show a lot of boob, no one's looking at your face. You may also discredit yourself if you're wanting to come across as an expert. Now if the side you want to portray IS that and THAT is your brand- then by all means boob away. For the rest, if you want people to pay attention to you or what you have to say - put the boobs away.

7. Feel Good in It.

Once upon a time I was fit. Then I turned forty....(6 years ago) and fit is not exactly the word I would use to describe me these days. My stomach is always the first thing that enters a room because I perpetually look five months pregnant.

I HATE being self conscious over wondering if my stomach is hanging out. The camera shows right through my face and body language that I feel awkward and I want to cover it up.

(I will not be wearing any "body con" dresses unless someone pays A LOT of money to do it as a joke.)

If I don't look good in it, can't move freely in it, can't breather or be at ease -I'm not wearing it. Ok. Sometimes I HAVE to because if I'm on a shoot they put me in it, (or I haven't done laundry in a while) I have no choice.

You want to feel good. You want to feel like you.

So, as a recap:

-Know which side of you you want to portray and dress the part.

 -Get some brand colors and intertwine them in your video.

-Simple. Solid. No Boobs. No huge clangy jewelry. No curtains or plaid or floral gardens.

-Feel good. Like who you are. Make sure what you are wearing helps people focus on your face and your words, not your outfit.

You can get my FREE guide on "10 Easy Ways to Look Good and Feel Great on Camera" or just buy my course where I go into MUCH greater detail.

I've got to brush these chip crumbs off of my fat pants so I'm signing off.

Stacy P.


Stacy Pederson is a Funny Motivational Speaker who has almost died a bunch. She has a degree in theatre and has done film, commercial, and voice work. You can learn more about her at StacyPederson.com



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