Speaking is NOT About Delivering Information

Speaking is NOT about standing in front and providing a bunch of information. People don’t remember information.

 If I asked you to name what you learned in 3rd grade about American History, many of you won’t remember a single piece of information.

 If I asked you to share what the bully on the playground said to you that year, you probably remember it down to exact way he or she said it.

 Why? People don’t retain information strictly from facts. People retain information depending on the feeling attached.

 This is why creativity – the use of humor, visuals, stories, etc., are so important in your talk. Creativity sparks emotion.

 I like to think of creativity as a cake. The layers of the cake are your content. The frosting is creativity. It is what ties your talk together and makes it fun, enticing, and memorable.


Most of us don’t want to eat an entire cake of frosting (unless it’s buttercream…then maaaybe…) We want just enough frosting to add the fun and appeal. The same is true with your talk.



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