Are You Boring?

You're a speaker with great content, but let's be're boring on stage or camera.

Go from "So-So" to "Standing O" utilizing humor, easy stage techniques, and powerful storytelling in your presentations or video content.


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You Have a Message But You Feel Stuck

Are you a speaker who feels you have plataued?

Are you a burgeoning speaker who needs help with some of the basics?

Don't let fear or lack of skill stop you from sharing your message, product or service to the world in a powerful and impactful way.

You don't need to be a genius OR PERFECT to be good on camera or stage. You simply need to be genuine.

Other Speech Coaches will give you a formula, tell you the same basic "gesture your arms like this" type advice, but they won't teach you how to be the real you.

Stacy utilizes her degree in theatre, background as an award winning actress and comedian, and experience as a full-time professional speaker herself to help you create a talk that is dynamic, interesting, memorable and uniquely yours.

Let's get you unstuck and on the road to greatness.  

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Entertainment and Engagement Value

You're a speaker but you know your talk isn't..."memorable". Stacy's helped top speakers in the industry create a talk that is dynamic, interesting and fun. She can do the same for you. Learn how to use humor, storytelling, staging, and the audience's point of view, to go from a "So-So" speaker to one who gets a "Standing-O".

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Presentation Skills

Do you secretly want to be a speaker or your job requires you to be one, but you loathe getting in front of people? Terrified to talk? Learn presentation skills that go against most of what you've learned. Ditch perfection and embrace what audiences really want instead. From setting up your talk, landing your first event, to completing a talk without passing out - I'm here to help.

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Hate the way you look or feel on camera? Learn to overcome your fear,  embrace your awkward, and engage your audience to become a superstar.

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Why Hire Stacy P.?


Stacy Pederson

Stacy is an award winning actress, clean comedian, and full-time funny motivational speaker who has almost died a bunch. Stacy has, not only performed and spoken for 1,000's herself, but has helped speakers just like you. Stacy is not a typical speaker coach who tells you not to say "umms" and to cut out the "ahhs". Stacy gives a holistic approach to capturing (and keeping) an audience's attention utilizing her background in theatre, comedy, as a paid scriptwriter and a professional Keynoter. Stacy would love nothing more than to see you go from boring to soaring on stage or camera, so you can make an impact.

"Are you unsure whether your speech delivers impact? Do you feel like you need expert eyes on your flow or delivery? Do you wish your speech could be funnier? Stacy Pederson is the master of all of these things. With her background as an actress and comedian, she will be your most valuable team member as you polish your message. I worked with her on one of my TEDx talks and learned such funny lines for my key stories. Stacy will make your next speech a huge hit! "

Heather R Younger
Keynote Speaker, Workplace Culture, Leadership & Active Listening

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Simple tweaks can make a HUGE difference in the quality of your videos, engagement of your audience, and your overall on-line presence.


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